Wednesday 9 March 2016

Letter to my current government supporter friend.


Instead of letter this I would call as reply to one of your chat. I will take liberty of shuffling the points so that it will be easier to understand what we are talking about.

Abstract of what you wrote :

Free gifts in election. 

This time main elections fought for "achhe din" another free gift idea, but there is a catch with that - there is no measurable fact in that. What does it mean? do't know. Now if you are saying BJP never did that - they tried it in Bihar and they did that many places, they tried not to do that in Delhi why? don't know. AK did that which I endorse for water bill (less than limit) and electricity (less than limit) - it is very important - as I said you earn 2L per month but there are many people who earn 5K per month. If you consume more water than a limit you are no longer eligible for "free" term.

Result they are able to get more revenue with less water consumption in Delhi. Is that a news? no not at all. So leave it that is not the point of talks right now.

 Acche Din Free Gift 

When globally food and commodity inflation is native good intention government is able to make wonders here too ... many things because of policy and timing failure in imports they let essential things increased in price - impacted the most to common man. Increasing in indirect TAX service tax / excise and many thing - GST is blocked because they are trying to check the limits on it.

Swatch Bharath  TAX 

It is interesting when a babu or clerk in government office ask money for doing the regular work he has to do what do we call it ? corruption right ? Now government is imposing TAX which is responsibility of them as priority factor. If they would have told that they are going to MAKE INDIA with increasing TAX they should have said that in election speeches.

RSS and BJP have a point of view and I would not judge whether it is right or wrong.

Wrong - when you are in power you will be judged. I would not judge BSP in central government because they are not in power - but judging the people who are currently working for us ! it is absolutely what we should be doing.

Question was "India elected government they did not sold India to them so they can question and when questioned they need answer not last 60 years story." there is no point of view here of anybody.

Let me give a example
Someone asked : What is the status of Make in India ?
Answer is : Kisi kisi ki umra ke sath akal nahi badti !!!

In politics you should work with minimum consensuses - You asked me question I answer your question - I ask you a question I need simple answer - instead - what other guy look like / what he think / what he previously said / what his father said / grandmother / damad / maa / party / history many things but no "answer" ....

Only 4 things because of which I think we are going in wrong track and I think this government will going to put the things at bad places and will cry foul after 5 years.

1. Rs is not gaining - no matter what you give logic but this was promise of government.
2. Share Market - It is not gamble, it shows confidence of people to put money at work.
3. TAX is getting higher - yes nothing is free in the word but there should be limit - a taxpayer is paying 60% tax 30% direct and 30% indirect tax to government - in which 30% nearly all people pays. Is that less ? what you are giving full medical insurance or something ? nop nothing !!! Why ? Because you are busy making few people super-rich and rest let go with bank loans. Something is wrong.
4. Social misbehave !!! - Intolerance and tolerance, man never heard these terms. Akhlakh's murder was a after effect of this - but more issue was when BJP people started commenting - "Yes murder is wrong but his beef eating is also wrong" WHAT ???? This statement is issued by a person who also said "in-spite of being Muslim Kalam was deshbhakt.  " was later awarded Kalam's BANGLO to live in Delhi - anyway some decision legally and constitutionally correct but morally wrong and government is moral face of country .... working class is IAS and down....


About JNU, I think government is being offensive on the slogans and asking "who" "who" and all ... in between they catch the wrong guy and whoever tries to take side of that guys  saying he is innocent is framed as bad .... But this is what is reality. I being Indian really ashamed someone said "India ki hai hai" and I am too much angry and want to see that person punished by all means ­ question is where is that guy? Delhi police to CBI to RAW everyone comes under central government and instead of answering these questions they are CHANTING the SLOGANS everywhere ?

If someone write something wrong about some religious believe say in this case Maa Durga that I consider as criminal activity because if they don't believe they don't have any business of commenting so the only intention is to create communal tension - which in tern is criminal offense.

Now instead of catching the person reading that in LOCKSABHA ? what do you think is that act ? foolishness ? or intention of create communal tension ? In both the case Smruti Irani should be punished but did government said anything ? nothing !!! they acted nothing !!!


In India only 3% people give direct TAX so rest of them are below 3L per a ? 97% ! out of which 80% are super poor? and what we have to do for them is education  and what we are doing ?

Education budget is reduced by central and there is no direction to work for it.
Nearly every institute has some or other issue ? Opening more IIT will led to serious issues, electing director in 3 hours already raised lot of questions.